Too many words, too many…
Hearts and heads and all out lives spinning around them,
Drinking from them,
Searching new meanings,
Different interpretations,
Reasons and reactions,
A blink,
An altered breathing,
And we all feed on them.
What they mean,
And how,
And the tone,
And the way you were looking,
And the difference between what you say and what you really meant,
And the reason why there is no truth,
And what if there is?,
And what if it's just another one?,
And what if we just didn’t hear it right?...
'Could you repeat please?'
But now tell me why,
And when,
And who was there and heard it the same,
Or not,
Or what they thought about it and why.
What about my letters?
Did you read 'love' in between the lines'?
It was there.
It was everywhere,
Why didn’t you see it?
No, I meant…
I never said that!
I just meant something else.
Don’t you hear what I say?
You should know me better.
Why do you think so?
Please, tell me how you feel…
Are you my whore, just mine?
Why are you sad?
Should I leave now?
Can I kiss you?
Shut up!
I really like you…
So do I…
Can we talk?
S . I . L . E . N . C . E
… c a n
Hearts and heads and all out lives spinning around them,
Drinking from them,
Searching new meanings,
Different interpretations,
Reasons and reactions,
A blink,
An altered breathing,
And we all feed on them.
What they mean,
And how,
And the tone,
And the way you were looking,
And the difference between what you say and what you really meant,
And the reason why there is no truth,
And what if there is?,
And what if it's just another one?,
And what if we just didn’t hear it right?...
'Could you repeat please?'
But now tell me why,
And when,
And who was there and heard it the same,
Or not,
Or what they thought about it and why.
What about my letters?
Did you read 'love' in between the lines'?
It was there.
It was everywhere,
Why didn’t you see it?
No, I meant…
I never said that!
I just meant something else.
Don’t you hear what I say?
You should know me better.
Why do you think so?
Please, tell me how you feel…
Are you my whore, just mine?
Why are you sad?
Should I leave now?
Can I kiss you?
Shut up!
I really like you…
So do I…
Can we talk?
S . I . L . E . N . C . E
… c a n
w e
p l e a s e
h a v e
s o m e
s i l e n c e
s o m e t i m e s ? ...
Thank you so much …
e gemidos? serão permitidos?;)
Silence is for sleepers and for people with secrets..
gemidos permitidos, sempre, mas sem lamento... ;)
i'm no sleeper, but secrets i have a few... dont you?... ;)
nice to have you here, come more often :) xx
Hum… as minhas desculpas por interromper o silêncio solicitado...
Acabei de comentar o post “Private?” dizendo que é (para mim) o teu melhor post e (depois de ter lido os a seguir) mantenho. Já que estou em maré de “avaliações” devo dizer que se o outro é o melhor este será talvez o mais “filosoficometafisico”… não? Está uma excelente reflexão… e até tem uma “conclusão” :)
A song comes to mind “the sound of silence” by Simon&Garfunkel …
o TEU silencio nunca seria solicitado :) ... sim, há dias em que mostro mais outro lado... a minha vida tem muitos ;) xx
ps. aproveito para acrescentar que espero que estejas bem :)
Pois todos temos muitos lados, uns mostramos, outros escondemos, desconhecemos ou escolhemos ignorar...
PS - Quando comecei a comentar por aqui estava de braço ao peito (sim muitos comentários foram escritos só com a mão esquerda) mas agora já estou quase a 100%, falta é o quase, daí a fisoterapia - obrigado pela preocupação :)
ainda bem que estás melhor... e parabéns, que tanto comentário tao bem escrito com a esquerda, a mim fascina-me, sem a direita nao sou nada! ;)
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